Back leg pain from running.? - avoiding back pain when running
A few weeks ago I bought a treadmill and ran at them when I have more time. I was doing very well, but since a few days I had pain in his leg. In the middle of my leg when the leg flexed to go (on the calf in the thigh) Is there anything, what should I do? Can I walk or jog lightly or not to run for a few days. I stopped working for one day and the pain disappeared, but back on the treadmill, and after 5 minutes with the pain came. Its nothing serious just annoying. Thanks for any help
The party is the pain, the knee ligaments. You can actually be healed in 2 days, if you relax and / or stretching of the thighs, which are the muscles behind the thigh. Doing stretching exercises for about 5-10 seconds, no more than 15, because he feels the pain. To avoid such a situation, should the first leg muscles by doing knee-high heat, kicks, etc.. Then, your muscles (quadriceps, triceps, hamsrings, calves, etc.) cover. In this case, you should avoid to run a few days, but remember that you can get healthy faster and more efficiently if you 're ready to relax and stretch.
I then thought, you may have a swollen band, which can cause nerve damage in his knee.
what you can do is to use a foam roller on the floor and allow for an extension of the hip, because that what makes the effort to move the hips in the direction of the affected calf muscles and tightening IT Band, where straight line and a role in foam weeks and then starts to run, but I recommend going out and running on grass or trails, because the sweet and has less impact on your body.
Good luck
They would have hurt like a beeyatch ITBS (IT band syndrome)
Treadmills are usually faster than the damage on a real surface. currently running on the treadmill when the weather is very bad, and sucks the ice 20 minutes and 20 minutes from (repeat), is also a Google search for some hamstring stretches, and has
Ice for 30 min. , Analgesics, rest, lift your legs to rest and icing. Min range very well for 10th before execution
Ice for 30 min. , Analgesics, rest, lift your legs to rest and icing. Min range very well for 10th before execution
After a pause streaching tredmile Streatch try before and after the
stretch and ice and massage
Try to find a knee brace
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